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Info File

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About the Device

The integrated Ventilator monitoring feature empowers healthcare providers with immediate access to crucial ventilator settings and patient parameters. This includes information on respiratory rate, tidal volume, PEEP levels, and more. Such precise data enables healthcare teams to make accurate adjustments in real-time, ensuring optimal ventilation support.

Through seamless integration with MedJacket, the Ventilator system ensures that critical data is promptly recorded in the patient’s health score. This integration streamlines the monitoring process, enhancing efficiency and allowing for a comprehensive approach to critical care management. Storing ventilator settings and patient parameters in the patient’s health score provides a transparent record of the critical care provided. This data empowers patients and their families with a clear understanding of the care plan and fosters trust in the healthcare team. Healthcare providers can now make precise adjustments to ventilation settings based on real-time patient data. The integrated Ventilator monitoring equips providers with the critical information needed to ensure patients receive the optimal level of ventilatory support.