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About the Device

SpO2 (Peripheral Oxygen Saturation) is a critical parameter in the assessment of a patient’s respiratory and cardiovascular health. When integrated into the Medjacket device, it becomes a vital tool for continuous monitoring and diagnosis.This real-time data is displayed on the Medjacket device monitor, making it a convenient and efficient means of tracking a patient’s oxygen levels.

The integration of SpO2 into the Medjacket device is particularly valuable in clinical settings where continuous monitoring is essential. This feature aids in post-operative care, assists in the management of patients with respiratory conditions, and is crucial for assessing oxygen levels during sleep studies. The device’s capability to display and record SpO2 data, along with its alarm functionality, ensures that healthcare professionals can promptly respond when oxygen saturation falls below or exceeds predefined thresholds. Overall, SpO2 integration in the Medjacket device enhances patient care by providing real-time, non-invasive monitoring of oxygen levels, contributing to the overall well-being of patients with respiratory and cardiac conditions.


We supply a wide range of medical equipment, including Multi-Parameter monitors, Fetal Moniotr,  HIMS software, Thermometer, SpO2 Monitor, IR Gun etc.

Yes, all our products adhere to the necessary industry standards and regulatory requirements. We prioritize quality and compliance in our offerings.

Ordering is easy! You can place an order by calling or whatsApp us : +91-8121278238

Absolutely! We encourage customers to request product demonstrations. Please contact our sales team to schedule a demonstration at your convenience.