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Comprehensive Monitoring with 5-Lead ECG
 MedJacket's monitoring system focuses on 5- lead ECG for continuous cardiac assessment, providing essential information without overwhelming the system. This approach ensures that crucial cardiac data is continuously available, enabling timely interventions and improving patient outcomes.

Seamless Integration with HL7 Protocols
The system seamlessly integrates with HL7 protocols, ensuring compatibility with various medical devices. This interoperability allows for the effortless connection of diagnostic tools, facilitating a cohesive monitoring system. By adhering to HL7 standards, the system guarantees precise data transmission, enhancing reliability in clinical decision-making.

Enhanced Diagnostic Accuracy 
Real-time monitoring and advanced algorithms further enhance diagnostic accuracy. By providing timely updates and minimizing human errors in data interpretation, the system enables clinicians to make informed decisions efficiently. This integrated approach promotes error reduction and improves overall patient care quality.
5 Lead ECG
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Dual Sensor Technology for Comprehensive Temperature Monitoring: The MedJacket device features two temperature sensors, providing continuous monitoring of the patient's body temperature. This dual-sensor setup offers a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s thermal condition, ensuring that temperature fluctuations are accurately detected and recorded.

Highly Accurate Mercury-Based Nodes: The temperature sensors utilize mercury-based nodes known for their high sensitivity and accuracy. Mercury's unique thermal properties make it an excellent medium for capturing temperature fluctuations with precision. By leveraging this technology, the MedJacket device delivers reliable temperature data critical for effective patient care.

Real-Time Monitoring with Immediate Alerts: The sensors continuously capture body temperature and any fluctuations in real time, feeding data directly to the MedJacket device. This continuous monitoring enables prompt detection of sudden temperature changes, which could indicate underlying medical issues. Moreover, the system can be configured to trigger immediate alerts in response to significant temperature fluctuations, empowering medical staff to intervene promptly and address potential health concerns. 
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IR Gun Technology for Swift and Reliable Temperature Measurement: Our IR gun utilizes non-contact technology too swiftly and accurately measure patients' body temperature. This device, operated by staff nurses, offers high precision and ease of use, ensuring patient comfort and minimizing the risk of cross-contamination. Its efficiency makes it an invaluable tool for routine temperature checks in healthcare settings.
Streamlined Pre-Diagnosis Process: During the initial check-up, the IR gun plays a vital role in the pre-diagnosis process by quickly measuring the patient's temperature as part of the assessment of the vital signs. This immediate temperature reading provides valuable insights, indicating potential fever or infection early. Such early detection facilitates timely intervention, contributing to improved patient outcomes and infection control efforts.
Seamless Data Integration for Enhanced Continuity of Care: Captured temperature data seamlessly integrates into the patient’s electronic health record (EHR) within our comprehensive ERP system. This automated recording process eliminates the need for manual entry, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring accuracy. Furthermore, stored temperature records remain accessible for future reference, promoting continuity of care and providing healthcare providers with essential historical data for tracking the patient's health trajectory over time.
IR Thermometer
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Innovative BP Kouf Device for Blood Pressure Measurement: Developed in collaboration with Zug Medical Systems, the BP Kouf device employs cutting-edge noninvasive technology to measure blood pressure accurately. This state-of-the-art device ensures high precision in capturing both systolic and diastolic pressure, as well as pulse rate, providing comprehensive cardiovascular insights for medical professionals.
Comfortable and Risk-Free Non-Invasive Method
: The BP Kouf utilizes a cuff-based system, offering a comfortable and noninvasive method for patients. This approach eliminates the risks associated with invasive blood pressure measurement techniques, ensuring patient safety and comfort during the monitoring process. By prioritizing patient comfort and safety, the BP Kouf enhances the overall healthcare experience.
Seamless Connectivity and Automated Data Recording: The NIBP system of the BP Kouf device seamlessly integrates with the MedJacket monitor, offering plug-and-play connectivity. This integration enables real-time display of blood pressure readings, providing medical professionals with immediate access to vital patient data for informed decision-making. Moreover, once connected, the MedJacket monitor automatically records and stores blood pressure readings in the patient’s electronic health record (EHR). This automated data recording process reduces the risk of manual entry errors, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of patient data for improved clinical outcomes
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Precise Examination with Ear Otoscope Functionality: The MatLogix Ear Otoscope USB Microscope offers detailed examination capabilities for the ear canal and eardrum. Its high- resolution imaging capabilities empower medical professionals to detect and diagnose ear conditions with precision, facilitating effective treatment strategies.

Versatile USB Microscope for Comprehensive Assessments: Beyond otoscope examinations, this device serves as a versatile USB microscope, suitable for inspecting various body cavities and surfaces. Its adaptability makes it an invaluable tool for comprehensive patient assessments, enhancing diagnostic accuracy across multiple medical specialties.

Seamless Connectivity and Real-Time Imaging: Equipped with a 2-meter flexible cable, the otoscope ensures easy access to difficult-to-reach areas, facilitating thorough examinations. Its USB interface allows direct connection to the MedJacket Device, ensuring quick and hassle-free integration. Real-time imaging capabilities enable doctors to view and assess conditions instantly, facilitating immediate clinical decisions for enhanced patient care.
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Highly Accurate SpO2 Meter for Reliable Monitoring: Engineered by Sensa Core, the SpO2 meter delivers highly accurate blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) readings, boasting an impressive accuracy rate of 99.99%. This precision ensures reliable monitoring of patient oxygen levels, which is crucial for diagnosing and managing respiratory and cardiovascular conditions effectively. With dependable SpO2 measurements, healthcare providers can make informed decisions and provide timely interventions to optimize patient care.
Real-Time Monitoring with Microsecond-Level Response: The SpO2 meter offers real-time readings with microsecond-level responsiveness, enabling healthcare providers to detect and respond to changes in a patient’s oxygen saturation almost instantaneously. This swift response time is invaluable in critical situations, allowing for timely adjustments in treatment plans and interventions to maintain optimal oxygenation levels and ensure patient safety.
Seamless Integration and Automated Data Recording: The SpO2 meter seamlessly connects to the MedJacket Device, effortlessly integrating into the existing monitoring system. This seamless connectivity ensures that SpO2 data is continuously captured and displayed in real-time on the MedJacket monitor, providing healthcare providers with immediate access to vital patient information. Moreover, the integrated system automatically records SpO2 readings into the patient's electronic health record (EHR), eliminating the need for manual data entry. 
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Precise Monitoring with Drip Flow Meter: The Advanced Drip Flow Monitoring system incorporates a Drip Flow Meter that precisely measures various parameters of IV fluid administration. It accurately monitors the time taken for IV fluid administration, the flow rate, and the number of drips per second. This meticulous monitoring ensures that patients receive the correct volume of IV fluids at the prescribed rate, contributing to optimal patient care and treatment outcomes.

Comprehensive Volume Intake Tracking: In addition to measuring the time and flow rate, the Drip Flow Meter also tracks the total milliliters (ml) of fluid intake. This feature provides medical personnel with an accurate record of the amount of IV fluid administered to the patient, facilitating precise monitoring and documentation of the patient's fluid intake over time.

Real-Time Display and Alerts for Continuous Monitoring: All readings, including time, flow rate, drips per second, and total ml intake, are displayed in real-time on the MedJacket monitor. This continuous monitoring allows medical personnel to closely observe the IV fluid administration process and make any necessary adjustments promptly. Moreover, the system is designed to alert medical staff when the IV drip is complete, ensuring timely intervention to stop the meter and prevent air from entering the IV line, thereby enhancing patient safety during the infusion process. 
Drip Flow
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Advancing Maternal and Fetal Care with Integrated Fetal Monitor: At MedJacket, we're committed to advancing maternal and fetal care through our integrated Fetal Monitor feature. This cutting-edge technology empowers healthcare providers with immediate access to vital fetal parameters, including fetal heart rate and uterine contractions. These precise readings enable timely interventions when necessary, ensuring the well-being of both mother and baby throughout the pregnancy journey.
Seamless Integration for Enhanced Efficiency: The integrated Fetal Monitor seamlessly integrates with MedJacket, ensuring prompt recording of fetal monitoring data in the patient’s health score. This integration streamlines the monitoring process, enhancing efficiency in maternal and fetal care delivery. Healthcare providers can access comprehensive fetal monitoring data, enabling a holistic approach to patient care and facilitating informed decision-making for optimal outcomes.
Peace of Mind and Informed Decision-Making: Storing fetal monitoring data in the patient’s health score provides expectant mothers with a clear record of their baby’s well-being over time. This invaluable data offers peace of mind and fosters trust in the healthcare team. Moreover, healthcare providers can make more informed decisions about maternal and fetal care with precise, real-time data from the integrated Fetal Monitor. Equipped with critical information, providers can ensure both mother and baby receive the highest standard of care, promoting positive pregnancy experiences and outcomes. 
Fetal Monitor
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At MedJacket, we're committed to advancing patient care through our innovative digital gas flow management system. This cutting-edge technology leverages advanced digital capabilities to regulate and monitor the delivery of medical gases, such as oxygen and anesthesia, to patients in healthcare settings. Our digital approach ensures precise and customizable control of gas flow rates, maintaining optimal levels for patient safety and comfort.
Real-Time Monitoring and Informed Decisions: Our digital gas flow management system enables real-time monitoring and data collection, empowering healthcare providers to make informed decisions and adjustments based on individual patient needs. With comprehensive data at their fingertips, healthcare professionals can optimize gas delivery for each patient, enhancing clinical outcomes and improving patient comfort. This real-time monitoring capability ensures that patients receive the right amount of gas at the right time, minimizing risks and maximizing therapeutic benefits.
Empowering Healthcare Providers for Enhanced Patient Care: Our innovative approach revolutionizes patient care by providing healthcare providers with the tools they need to deliver precise and personalized treatment. By ensuring optimal gas delivery and realtime monitoring, we empower healthcare professionals to enhance patient safety, comfort, and overall clinical outcomes. Experience the future of gas flow management with MedJacket as we revolutionize patient care and improve the healthcare experience for all.
O2 Gas Flow
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At MedJacket, we're committed to transforming diabetes care through innovative solutions. Our seamlessly integrated Glucometer connects directly with the MedJacket platform, ensuring swift and accurate synchronization of glucose readings. This streamlined process enhances monitoring efficiency and facilitates a more comprehensive approach to diabetes management, empowering both patients and healthcare providers alike.
Empowering Patients Through Data: By storing glucose values within the patient's health score, MedJacket provides a clear and visual representation of glucose trends over time. This invaluable data empowers patients to take an active role in their care, enabling them to make informed lifestyle decisions and manage their condition effectively. With access to their glucose trends, patients can identify patterns, track progress, and work collaboratively with their healthcare team to optimize their diabetes management.
Personalized Treatment Plans for Optimal Care: Healthcare providers benefit from a holistic view of a patient's glucose profile, allowing them to craft personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. Armed with real-time data from the integrated Glucometer, providers can adjust medications, recommend lifestyle modifications, and optimize diabetes management strategies for better patient outcomes. MedJacket's integration with the Glucometer signifies a significant advancement in diabetes care, revolutionizing how healthcare providers and patients collaborate to manage diabetes effectively. Join us in the journey towards improved diabetes care with MedJacket, where together, we can make a difference in the lives of millions living with diabetes.
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At MedJacket, we're dedicated to advancing healthcare through cutting-edge solutions. Our latest innovation integrates a state-of-the-art Hemoglobin monitoring device with the MedJacket platform, revolutionizing the monitoring and management of blood health. This integration empowers both patients and healthcare providers by providing real-time insights into hemoglobin levels, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and improving patient care.
Empowering Healthcare Providers with Real-Time Insights: The integrated Hemoglobin device offers healthcare providers immediate access to real-time hemoglobin levels, providing critical insights into a patient's blood health. This invaluable information enables prompt decision-making and timely interventions, ultimately enhancing patient care outcomes. With instant access to hemoglobin data, healthcare providers can monitor patients more effectively and tailor treatment plans accordingly, ensuring optimal management of blood health conditions.
Seamless Integration and Personalized Care: MedJacket's seamless integration ensures effortless communication between the Hemoglobin device and the platform, enabling real-time transmission of results. This streamlined process optimizes the diagnostic workflow, saving valuable time for healthcare providers and improving efficiency in patient care delivery. By integrating the Hemoglobin device with MedJacket, healthcare providers can create comprehensive patient profiles that include vital hemoglobin data. This holistic view of a patient's health facilitates more informed treatment decisions and personalized care plans, leading to improved patient outcomes and a higher quality of care.
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At MedJacket, we're dedicated to revolutionizing cardiac monitoring by seamlessly integrating our stateof-the-art 12-lead ECG system with Medjacket BedSide software. This integration enhances traditional ECG monitoring, offering healthcare professionals a comprehensive solution for data collection and analysis. Effortless data collection and analysis allow healthcare providers to access and interpret ECG data alongside other vital patient information, facilitating a holistic approach to patient care and ensuring timely interventions when necessary.
12 Lead ECG
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MedJacket introduces its revolutionary portable ABG monitor, providing immediate access to crucial blood tests such as oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. Precise measurements enable accurate assessments and prompt interventions, ensuring optimal patient care and treatment outcomes. Our seamless integration with MedJacket ensures prompt reflection of blood test results in the patient’s health score, facilitating streamlined patient care and accurate results. This integration optimizes monitoring processes, enhancing efficiency and enabling a comprehensive approach to patient care.
Arterial Blood Gas 
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At MedJacket, our commitment to revolutionizing patient care is demonstrated through our integrated Biochemistry Analyzer, offering real-time monitoring and diagnosis of key biochemical parameters essential for comprehensive patient assessment. The integration of the Biochemistry Analyzer with MedJacket's user-friendly interface streamlines testing processes, enhancing the patient experience by providing prompt access to diagnostic information. The powerful combination of technology and advanced diagnostics empowers healthcare professionals to continuously monitor patients and ensure timely treatments and interventions, ultimately improving overall patient care quality.
Bio Chemistry Analyzer
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MedJacket is dedicated to advancing healthcare with our integrated portable X-ray system, which offers flexibility and real-time imaging of diverse anatomical areas, streamlining patient care and diagnostics. The integration ensures immediate access and seamless integration of X-ray results into the Hospital Information Management System, enhancing patient data management and empowering healthcare professionals to make informed decisions. By providing on-the-spot X-ray imaging and seamless integration with HIMS software, MedJacket streamlines patient care processes and enhances diagnostic capabilities, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

X-RAY Machine
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MedJacket is committed to empowering healthcare providers with our integrated Ventilator monitoring feature, delivering precise data on respiratory parameters for accurate adjustments in real time. Through seamless integration with MedJacket, the Ventilator system ensures prompt recording of critical data, streamlining the monitoring process and enabling a comprehensive approach to critical care management. Storing ventilator settings and patient parameters provides a transparent record of critical care, empowering patients and enhancing trust in the healthcare team, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and improved quality of care.

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Dr. Ram Karri
MD Of Medjacket India Pvt. Ltd.